Finding painters in Dubai is not a difficult job, but finding the rightly skilled craftsman painter is definitely a time consuming and hectic job, with uncertainty on the top. Whether moving in to new home or moving out, the next one in would want the home to look tidy, which is why we say that a professionally done and finely finished paint job is what makes a home look like 'HOME'. This is where we come in, taking the burden off your shoulders, giving you a sigh of relief, so that you can focus towards more important aspects of your moving plan.
Moving in to your apartment or villa and want to know painting charges in Dubai?
Moving to a new apartment or villa is hectic work especially when you have a lot to pack and unpack. It is exciting as well when you are giving yourself a fresh start. HitechFM painters can help you to choose your favourite color while you are moving into a new home in Dubai, you can match paint color with your curtains and furniture to give a wholesome look to your apartment or villa. All we need is color shade as per your selection, we buy it for you.
Moving out of your apartment or villa and want to know painting charges in Dubai?
When you are moving out from your apartment or villa, you would be asked to handover apartment in good condition. You may need to paint it along with rectification work if required. It would help you to get full return of your security deposit. We can support you to get it done in cheapest way possible so you can save maximum.
Mostly used color in Dubai is Jotun Fenomastic white & half-white paint, some other brands used as follows:
- Jotun Paint
- National Paint
- Berger Paint
Apartment and Villa painting rate in Dubai
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