It is essential to ensure 24/7 clean and fresh water supply in your home. For that it is vital to properly maintain and clean your water tank. This requires a mandatory cleanup of all the sludge that builds up at the bottom from the accumulation of sediment and organic matter. Let’s discuss how to desludge your water tank by yourself.
What is sludge?
Sludge is a layer of dirt that contains plant material, waste and sediment that settles at the bottom of your tank overtime. Even with a filtering mechanism in place, some particles are small enough to pass through a filter. This later in time turns into a health hazard by turning into a breeding ground for harmful bacteria which is highly dangerous to your family’s health. These bacteria can be the cause of many illnesses and diseases like vomiting, stomach cramps, diarrhea and other serious health issues. That is why it is paramount to monitor your tank and clean it up from time to time.
Monitoring sludge build-up
To ensure health and safety of your loved ones it is vital to monitor your water tank sludge build up from time to time. According to international standards it is recommended to inspect your tanks every six months and should be cleaned every 1-2 years if the bottom of the tank is covered with sediment. Desludge Your Water Tank in dubai.Desludge your water tank
The regular method is time consuming but is most effective. First empty the tank then step in to the tank and thoroughly sweep out all the sludge manually. This method ensures the most thorough clean up. However, it could be difficult at times depending on the size and position of your water tank. Climbing into a water tank could be dangerous as some tanks are tough to access on your own. The other method is to invest in a tank cleaning pump. Desludge Your Water Tank, It vacuums out all the sludge without any manual effort. However it can be an expensive alternate as the usage is limited to once in 1-2 years. That is the reason it is recommended to hire a professional water tank cleaning company to do the job with the right professional tools. Disposing of excess sludge is an environmental challenge for water treatment plants. You already know that handling sludge is expensive. And hauling improperly dewatered sludge is even more costly. We can reduce your backwash sludge by a factor of three or four, by just using one of our specialty blends. And Desludge Your Water Tank we can reduce your sludge production by replacing alum or ferric chloride with our custom chemistry. Desludge Your Water Tank, Managing sludge is a vital part of operating a water treatment plant. And we can help you desludge more efficiently as well as help you with water treatment solutions to reduce backwashes. A Customer Water Storage Tank that is assessed as not accessible and safe should not be cleaned or disinfected until the Responsible Person has implemented the recommended provisions and safety control measures and confirmed that it is safe to continue.